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Core Web Vitals are a group of specific web page performance metrics that Google created to evaluate and quantify the website user experience. They are an essential component of Google's larger "Page Experience" project, which attempts to make sure that websites provide a simple and delightful user experience. These Core Web Vitals are one of the elements that Google takes into account when determining search engine rankings. Since they are thought to offer a better user experience, websites with higher Core Web Vitals are more likely to appear higher in search results. To make sure their websites meet the requirements for a good user experience and perform well in search rankings, website owners and developers must continuously analyse and enhance these metrics.

Core Web Vitals emphasise three things:

  • When the user can see the main content, loading performance is measured using the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) algorithm. A high LCP score means quick loading, which improves user experience.
  • initial Input Delay (FID): Measures the time it takes to analyse the initial user interaction to quantify responsiveness. A website that is responsive and engaging will have a low FID score.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Calculates unanticipated layout shifts that occur over the course of a page to measure visual stability. A low CLS score guarantees a constant visual experience while the page loads, preventing viewers from experiencing annoying shifts.

Why are core web vitals so important?

Core Web Vitals are essential for providing a great user experience, enhancing search engine rankings, obtaining a competitive advantage, and enhancing commercial outcomes. To create an exceptional online experience for their users and achieve their business objectives, website owners and developers should prioritise optimising for Core Web Vitals.

Ranking Factor

As a ranking component, Google added Core Web Vitals to its search algorithm in May 2021. Core Web Vitals are specialised measures for user experience that gauge a website's loading time, interaction, and visual stability. The visibility and viewership of websites that have been optimised for Core Web Vitals could rise as a result of higher search engine rankings. To improve site performance and user experiences, webmasters and developers should pay special attention to Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). With this improvement, website owners now have the chance to increase organic traffic and engagement as user-centric experiences in SEO become increasingly important.

User Experience

Google's main goal is to offer the best user experience by rewarding and promoting websites that put the needs of the user first. Providing timely, exceptionally good content that loads quickly and is simple to use is a part of this. Google is aware of the significance of speed, navigation, and insightful content in raising customer loyalty and satisfaction. Website owners can profit from greater engagement and conversions as well as better search rankings by putting a strong emphasis on the user experience. Due to Google's dedication to user experience, consumers can easily locate essential information online, and website owners could benefit by living up to user expectations.

Better Conversion Rates

By offering a favourable user experience, a well-optimized website with quick loading times, interactive features, and easy navigation increases conversion rates. Involvement and desired behaviours are more likely to occur on websites that load swiftly and react to user inputs naturally. By giving attention to indicators from the Core Web Vitals, such as loading time (LCP), interactivity (FID), and layout stability (CLS), website owners may design a user-friendly space that encourages more visitor engagement and more successful business outcomes. A good user experience increases conversion rates since visitors are more likely to buy something or subscribe to a newsletter, which ultimately benefits both users and website owners.

How to check Core Web Vitals?

Real user data from the Chrome User Experience Report, which Google collects, provides the most accurate picture of Core Web Vitals. However, you can identify possible problems and improve your website's speed before users even see it by using lab testing tools like PageSpeed Insights and Lighthouse. To provide a great user experience as well as potentially raise your website's search engine results, it's essential that you continually assess and improve Core Web Vitals. To check your Core Web Vitals, you have several free options available:

The Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) Dashboard

The Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) Dashboard gives website owners access to actual user performance information. Website owners can identify areas for improvement and prioritise optimisation efforts to improve user experiences by using metrics like Core Web Vitals (LCP, FID, CLS). To create a better user experience, CrUX aids in the data-driven decision-making process, increasing customer satisfaction and enhancing business outcomes. You need to visit the CrUX dashboard at to configure a speed report for your website. Once there, you can type in the domain or URL of your website to get a thorough report with different performance data drawn from actual users' interactions.

Google Search Console

The Core Web Vitals report from Google Search Console uses information from the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) to assess how well a website performs in terms of loading time, interactivity, and visual stability. This thorough study enables website administrators to pinpoint certain problems influencing user experiences across desktop and mobile platforms. Website owners can improve customer contentment, engagement, and perhaps even search rankings by addressing these concerns. The information offered by Google Search Console's Core Web Vitals report enables data-driven decisions for improving website performance and giving users a more seamless and user-friendly experience.

Google's PageSpeed Insights

To make suggestions for improving speed and user experience, Google's PageSpeed Insights analyses a website's performance, including Core Web Vitals measurements. Users can access useful lab data by providing a website URL and simulating user interactions to evaluate loading time, interactivity, and visual stability. The programme provides practical recommendations for improving many performance facets, including image optimisation and server response times. PageSpeed information equips website owners to make wise choices to enhance their site's performance, promote user satisfaction, and potentially improve search rankings. It offers information for both mobile and desktop devices.

Understanding the core web vitals reports

Understanding the Core Web Vitals reports is essential for evaluating your website's performance and locating areas that require improvement. Loading, interaction, and visual stability are the three key facets of user experience that these reports often provide light on. You can improve the user experience on your website, perhaps raise its search engine rankings, and raise user engagement and satisfaction by comprehending the Core Web Vitals reports and taking the necessary corrective action. Let's examine each of these Core Web Vitals in detail and discuss how to read the reports:

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

A Core Web Vitals metric called Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) tracks how long it takes for a webpage's largest content element to appear in the user's viewport. A quick LCP signals the speedy display of important content, which improves user experience and the perception of page speed. LCP ought should happen within the first 2.5 seconds of the page loading for the best user experience. Using techniques like picture compression, browser caching, and effective resource prioritisation, one can optimise for a quick LCP. Not only does prioritising a quick LCP increase user pleasure, but it also has a favourable effect on search engine results and website performance.

Excessive scripts, especially those connected to advertisements, analytics, or social media widgets, can drastically slow LCP by delaying the rendering of the primary content. It's important to optimise and compress photos without sacrificing quality because huge, high-quality files with enormous file sizes can also affect how quickly LCP processes images. Furthermore, your hosting company's and server's speed and responsiveness affect how quickly the user's browser can fetch and deliver resources. LCP measurements can be delayed due to slow server responses. You can increase the user experience and speed up the loading of your website by controlling these factors.

First Input Delay (FID)

First Input Delay (FID) is a Core Web Vitals metric that gauges how long it takes for a user to interact with a website for the first time before the browser responds. A low FID guarantees an interactive and responsive user experience, which lessens user annoyance when they attempt to interact with the material. FID should be less than 100 milliseconds to offer a decent user experience. Utilising cutting-edge methods and reducing blocking JavaScript is only a couple of the strategies involved in optimising for a quick FID. Websites with a quick FID are more likely to rank higher and draw more organic traffic, which will ultimately boost user happiness and engagement. FID is an important component in search rankings.

The first input delay (FID) is mostly influenced by the host speed and the server response time. When providing resources quickly to a user's browser, the hosting provider's server performance is crucial. Longer lag times between user activities and website responses can occur from a slow host. The overall interactivity and user experience of the website can also be impacted by poor server response times following user activities, which can lead to delayed FID metrics. To guarantee a smoother and more responsive user experience on the website, these issues must be resolved.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

The stability of a webpage's layout, while it loads, is evaluated using Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). It assesses how frequently unexpected graphic element changes occur, which may annoy users and have a detrimental effect on their overall experience. CLS should be less than 0.1 to offer a positive user experience. By providing size characteristics for media components and avoiding asynchronous loading material, one can optimise for a low CLS. A consistent, low CLS score is crucial for website performance and user engagement because it improves user happiness, and the browsing experience, and could even lead to higher search rankings.

Poor Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) scores can result from a variety of causes, such as slow CSS and JavaScript optimisation, which can result in delays and layout changes. Third-party pop-ups and widgets can sometimes cause abrupt layout changes during loading, which affects the stability of the entire page. Unexpected layout changes can also be caused by outdated or ineffective website themes. Furthermore, display ads that load later than other page content may result in layout changes. To improve the CLS score and deliver a more reliable and user-friendly surfing experience, these problems must be fixed.

How to improve Core Web Vitals?

You can improve Core Web Vitals, rectify issues and significantly improve the performance of your website by taking a few easy steps. This will result in improved user experiences and possibly higher search engine results.

Optimize Hosting

The success of a website depends on its hosting being optimised. The fastest way to assure a smooth and fast website load is to choose a hosting company with high-performance servers, no downtime, and data centres close to the target audience. For handling variable traffic and swiftly addressing problems, scalability and responsive technical assistance are crucial. Monitoring server metrics contributes to the maintenance of performance and user experience, which eventually results in increased engagement and a respectable online presence.

Set Up Caching

Optimising website performance requires setting up caching. Static material can be saved and served more efficiently using methods like server-side caching and browser caching, which makes it load pages faster for repeat users. By giving a user's browser instructions to save static items locally, browser caching helps users avoid making repeated server queries. By allowing the server to serve previously cached content, server-side caching reduces processing time. Caching strategies increase website speed while enhancing user experience and lowering bounce rates.

Implement Lazy Loading

Lazy loading is a technique that improves website performance by loading content as users scroll down the page, rather than all at once during the initial page load. The user experience gets improved and initial page load times are greatly lowered by this method. Using libraries or plugins that offer this feature, website administrators can implement lazy loading to give priority to essential parts while dynamically loading extra content as visitors interact with the page.

Set Up a CDN

To maximise website performance, a Content Delivery Network (CDN) must be set up. A CDN speeds up the delivery of content to users by providing it from the closest server through the distribution of content over a vast network of servers. A more streamlined browsing experience for visitors worldwide is ensured by selecting a reputable CDN supplier with widely dispersed servers. Simple CDN integration makes the website more responsive and user-friendly, and routine monitoring aids in maintaining efficient content delivery.

Compress Images

Image compression is vital for enhancing website performance and lowering page load times. Image file sizes can be successfully reduced without sacrificing quality using programmes like ShortPixel or Adopting the ".webp" format also provides faster content delivery and greater compression. Appropriate sizes for various devices are ensured by using responsive pictures. A faster and more user-friendly surfing experience is the result of routine picture optimisation, which finds the ideal balance between quality and file size.

Optimize Your Scripts

Script optimisation is essential for enhancing website performance. This include eliminating pointless scripts, uninstalling useless plugins, and managing third-party scripts effectively with Google Tag Manager. Website owners can gain quicker page loads, smoother interactions, and improved user experience by decreasing script load and optimising functionality. Scripts should be continuously monitored and reviewed to ensure continued optimisation and to make visitor browsing safer and more effective.

Upgrade to HTTPS

For increased search engine rankings and website security, switching to HTTPS is key. To protect data security and increase user confidence, HTTPS encrypts data. Additionally, it acts as a ranking indication, giving safe websites a little edge over unsecured ones in search engine outcomes. To activate HTTPS, you must first get an SSL/TLS certificate, set up redirects, and configure the server. Website owners can improve data privacy, user trust, and the search engine rankings of their sites by installing HTTPS.


Due to the fact that search engines like Google utilise them to rank websites, Core Web Vitals are essential for better website efficiency and user experience. For a smooth user experience, factors such as loading speed, interaction, and visual stability must all be optimised. Issues with Core Web Vitals can be addressed using tactics including caching, lazy loading, CDN deployment, image compression, script optimisation, and HTTPS adoption. Prioritising these indicators ensures long-term success in the competitive digital environment by increasing user engagement, increasing conversion rates, and improving online exposure.

Aiswariya K

Writen by

Aiswariya K

Posted On

July 20, 2023

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